wonder box 1b

What makes Wonder Box Study Different?

There are many areas which we have reviewed in order to create a very special and totally unique learning experience.

One area is the concept of the flipped classroom.

Let me start with explaining what a flipped classroom actually means.

Traditional learning is based around the teacher presenting information to the students and then the student practices the skill at home in the form of homework. We do it the other way around. The work is presented to the students before class and then in class we practice what they have learnt.

Why does this method work?

Firstly the student can ‘digest’ the content at their own speed. They can review and pause it to absorb, check or even write notes. This means that every aspect of the learning process can be more mindful. For example in class we may be trying to listen to the teach, write notes and understand the concept at the same time. In a flipped classroom the student controls which they focus on and can manage their time and learning.

The process of managing their learning through distributed materials will help to develop independent thinking as well as skills connected directly with learning such as note taking, time management and lateral thinking. Research also suggests that it encourages students to take a personal responsibility for their studies.

So if the material is studied at home, what are the lessons for? This is simple the lessons are for solving any problems or questions connected with the material and also for practice to help perfect the skill.

With traditional teaching methods the principle is to teach a skill or subject in class and to re-enforce it at home – this method allows class time to be about perfecting the skill.

How do we apply this method?

We create content which is distributed before the face to fact class. During class the understanding will be confirmed, questions resolved and there will be lots of practice.

Each skill will be treated in this same way.


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Online courses and technical solutions 

We know that you don't want text books so we have created online content to support our courses.

Experienced Teachers

We understand your journey and have helped thousands of students achieve their goals. Learning a language is a wonderful journey that we want to share with you

24 hour access to our online resources

Everyone is busy we have tried to ensure that you can complete your course material at a time convenient to you!

Customer Support

This journey is all about YOUR experience and we want to certain that you are happy at every step of the process. For this reason we have bilingual support.
