THe people
The people
Hi guys!

Learning a language is a wonderful goal, but if most people are honest with themselves it is usually a stepping stone to another goal. Perhaps travel, or study, or a new job. We want you to achieve your goals. We have chased ours and it has lead us here. Now it is your turn. Our philosophy is to do our best to get your on the road to your ultimate goal. We will tailor your course to fit your needs.

Everyone's goals are important and we don't want you to waste even a minute of your precious time. We want you to learn the English you need and want.


Mandy and Miranda 

Our team principles

We are more than just another online school!

learning style

We have incorporated the successful flipped classroom structure to our school.

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pre-course online material

Each 'Wonder Box' of learning sold is accompanied with online material.

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Student school agreement 

Teams are always more successful than individuals so we have incorporated this into our teaching

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our expert trainers

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Business Development 

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Lead Teacher and Course Designer

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Head of Marketing and Student Support

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